Well, so now you have a website. And you want some traffic...instant traffic...LOTS of TRAFFIC!!! What do you do? Write an article with advertisements and links to your website. Simple as that...but it's easier said than done. In this article, I will instruct you on how to submit and monetize your articles to websites such as PerpetualAds.com.
This is a simple instruction on how to post articles with perpetual ads for additional instant traffic to monetize your article in cyberspace and beyond.
Rule #1.) Be creative
Articles get boring without any pictures or videos and articles without a title that captures the readers’ attention will just get ignored. So, add an interesting picture or a video to your article with a back-link to your website, if possible, and create a really gripping title!
Rule #2.) Have a topic
You need to have a topic to talk about and add enough content for that topic. The topic usually is your thesis statement sentence placed at the end of the first paragraph. Enough content usually means 5 paragraphs about the topic. More than 5 paragraphs and people start to wander off.
Rule #3.) Use a Formula
You need to follow a formula in writing your article. If you can write enough articles with this formula, you will soon create your own style of writing articles. Your style will then differentiate you from the rest of the writers in cyberspace and the real world. What I usually follow is this 5 step formula:
a. Introduction statement paragraph followed by your thesis statement as the last sentence of the 1st paragraph.
b. Supporting paragraph of your thesis statement with an example as your 2nd paragraph.
c. Supporting paragraph of your thesis statement with another example as your 3rd paragraph
d. Contrary paragraph of your thesis statement with supporting theories or examples as your 4th paragraph
e. Create an ending paragraph that vindicates your thesis statement by reinstating it with scientific evidence or case studies.
Rule #4.) Advertise and Get Paid
Include links for any word you think is a keyword for your Article and link it back to your website but do it sparingly! You must also include your campaigns to monetize your writing efforts to perpetuate your ads in cyberspace! Do that strategically within the confines of your article.
Rule #5.) Review, Edit, and Publish
Edit, Edit, Edit! Edit your articles at least 3 times by running it through spell checker or a friend! Until it is the best looking article you've ever made without any spelling or grammatical errors, don't publish it. People will turn off to misspelled and incorrect grammar every chance they get! Also, don't forget to include meta tags for Search Engine Optimization before publishing it. You can publish your article to many blog websites for free. Just Google it but why do that when you can do it (click Submit Article on the top menu) here or at http://www.perpetualads.com/user.cgi .
And there you have it...because PerpetualAds.com has over 4200 websites that display your articles for maximum viewership AND GROWING, you can start submitting your creative articles that have pictures and videos linking back to your site that will show advertisements making you money by signing up for free! Try it and you'll see what I am talking about. http://www.perpetualads.com/ .
Thanks for reading!